Neurotherapy, "Nadi Mardan Kriya" is an ancient Indian rehabilitative therapy based on the vedic principles & philosophy. This natural healing therapy deals with nerves, muscles, joints and blood & lymphatic channels.
Authorities in the field believe that the body is co-ordinated by three different humors or energy forces as Vata (air) pitta (bile) and kapha(water). Neurotherapy helps in restoring and balancing the energy forces of the body that regulates the physiological equilibrium to perform better function of the body mind spirit. Ayurveda deals almost in all branches of medical science. "Nadi Vigyan" (knowledge of nervous system) is one of them, that has developed neurotherapy thousands of years ago. Neurotherapy has always been used in ayurvedic medicine as a rehabilitative treatment known by different names. Some of the traditional names by which of ayurvedic neurotherapy is known in India, "Ladara" in north India and as " Kerali Massage " in the south. Neurotherapy was re-pioneered by Mr. Lajpatrai Mehra in Bombay India. The term Neurotherapy (neuro means nadi or nerves; therapy is application), was coined in 1950’s. Neurotherapy, places chief emphasis upon the organism’s integrity of the body’s mechanism as being the most important factor in the maintenance of health.
How does it work ?
Neurotherapy is a complete system of healing, incorporating mechanical, psychological, bio-force, and biochemical aspects. It discovers the root cause of the disease and treats the same in an integrated manner. The disorder of the bodily organs causes an imbalance in the biochemical forces leading to the development of dis-eases. The therapist activates or deactivates the organ(s), through pressure or massage on the nerve channels to stimulate or depress the blood, & other body fluids and the nerve currents so as to restoring the balance and harmony of the body thus helping the body regain its equilibrium.
Neurotherapy Techniques
Neurotherapy is an alternative way of healing; it has shown some very good results in case of mentally retarded children. The main philosophy behind this science is that the flow of blood is directed towards particularly weaker organs, thereby rejuvenating the organ over a period of time. Thus, it heals the disease without recourse to medicines.
Science of neurotherapy: - Neurotherapy deals with the whole body/mind system in totality. The therapy uses the by-now well-established knowledge, that our body, like all other living beings in the universe, has the vital energy to cure itself, without any interference from external sources. It does not require chemicals or medicines from outside, because the body heals itself by creating the requisite hormones and chemicals.
The philosophy behind neurotherapy involves activating or deactivating to the organ(s), through pressure or massage on the nerve channels to stimulate or depress the blood, & other body fluids and the nerve currents so as to restoring the balance and harmony of the body thus helping the body regain its equilibrium. The therapy focuses at the cause not at the symptoms of the disease.
We seek to propagate this therapy to serve humanity in better way, because this therapy can cure many diseases without any side effect and improves wholesome personality of the person The human body contains different organs and gland which have specific functions to do. Each releases certain chemicals and hormones in specified quantity which take care of bodily activities e.g. Mouth secretes saliva which helps in digestion, intestines absorbs the nutrients from digested food etc. When each organs / glands are functioning normally and releasing their secretion properly then equilibrium of the body or health is in balance. If these organs, glands doesn't work properly and their secretions are impaired (either increased or decreased) then it leads to disorder or disease.
In the human body there are clotting factors and anti coagulants. Heparin and Plasmin are the two major anti coagulants which removes the clots in the blood. Plasmin and Heparin are produced in the lungs and liver (85%) and each and every cell (15%). In pulmonary circulation blood goes from heart to lungs for exchange of gases. Blood remains in the lungs for 0.02 sec. and , during that time heparin and plasmin are released from lungs into the blood and removes / clears all the clots of the blood or any other part of body. Same thing happens during the portal circulation also where blood goes to liver for detoxification.
In this science, around 80 points have been developed in our bodies which are pressed in such a way that blood supply is directed towards weaker portions of the body.
Once the verbal and visual analyze are completed, further investigation involves abdominal palpation, that’s examining the tender points. Focusing on these tender points the therapist discovers the malfunctioning of any organ(s).
Based on these investigations, a final picture is drawn about the patient's condition in relation to the three biochemical forces; Alkaline-Acid-Gas. And then treatment of neurotherapy starts.
Neurotherapy Principles
- LMNT divides general symptoms into two main categories– those due to acidosis and those due to alkalosis. We theorize that these symptoms indicate a disturbance in the chemical composition of the body fluids / ECF.
- LMNT postulates that acidosis or alkalosis can change the texture of the skin or hair etc., and can even influence the tonicity of muscles and for this we require proper flow of blood.
- Acidosis causes muscles to become loose and is one of the causes for varicose veins, piles, prolapse of uterus etc., while alkalosis causes muscles to tighten such as is associated with spasticity, cramps etc.
- Smooth flow of blood is dependent on the state of relaxation of muscles, be it the smooth muscles of the walls of the blood vessels, or other muscles in the body. Alkalosis is associated with with high BP, while acidosis is related to Lo BP.