How Treatments are given ?
Neurotherapy, "Nadi Mardan Kriya" is an ancient Indian rehabilitative therapy based on the vedic principles & philosophy. This natural healing therapy deals with nerves, muscles, joints and blood & lymphatic channels. Authorities in the field believe that the body is co-ordinated by three different humors or energy forces as Vata (air) pitta (bile) and kapha(water). Neurotherapy helps in restoring and balancing the energy forces of the body that regulates the physiological equilibrium to perform better function of the body mind spirit.
Ayurveda deals almost in all branches of medical science. "Nadi Vigyan" (knowledge of nervous system) is one of them, that has developed neurotherapy thousands of years ago. Neurotherapy has always been used in ayurvedic medicine as a rehabilitative treatment known by different names. Some of the traditional names by which of ayurvedic neurotherapy is known in India, "Ladara" in north India and as " Kerali Massage " in the south. Neurotherapy was re-pioneered by Mr. Lajpatrai Mehra in Bombay India. The term Neurotherapy (neuro means nadi or nerves; therapy is application), was coined in 1950’s. Neurotherapy, places chief emphasis upon the organism’s integrity of the body’s mechanism as being the most important factor in the maintenance of health.
No instrument is used during the treatment. Body of patient is pressed with help of hands and feet for fixed time at fixed points. Patients get treatment without any pain.The diagnosis of the patient is done after watching wholesome life pattern and series of events that led to the disease. However the ND does not shy away from modern techniques to diagnose the disease correctly. The diagnosis of the disease is done with the help of modern technique but also, the initial consultation involves taking the total health history of the patient. If necessary, a further series of questions are asked to the patient. A visual analyze is carried out by examining the eyes, color of the tongue, nails, skin, etc.